Accessibility statement
The accessibility statement applies to and was updated on 14 December 2021. The statement is based on self-assessment. This page was published on 14 December 2021.
Accessibility largely meets level AA in the Accessibility Directive.
Shortcomings in accessibility are corrected as far as possible.
Accessibility status of the digital service
Partially meets the accessibility requirements.
The website does not yet meet all the requirements. When it comes to old documents, such as forms and instructions, we refer to a disproportionate burden to fix. We are developing the content available as we integrate each service.
Below is a list of accessibility issues that we have identified so far.
Ability to comprehend: Concerning the accessibility of files created with office programs, video clips may lack subtitles.
Content that is not available and shortcomings:
There are many PDF documents on the pages of the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia. In some cases, another authority has required the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia to publish an attachment on the website. Some of the documents (agendas and minutes as well as attachments) come to the website from a case management system from which the generated documents are not entirely available.
Some of the unavailable attachments were made before 23 September 2018 and are therefore not covered by the legislation to be applied. The documents are made available in connection with updating work.
In the attachments, the following shortcomings in accessibility may occur:
1.1.1 Non-textual content:
Alternative texts for images and form fields are missing.
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence:
The reading order and a document’s structure code have not been determined. Navigation aids (links, bookmarks, headings, tab order) may be missing.
3.1.2 Language for part of page:
The language of a document has not necessarily been specified. Documents can be bilingual.
3.3.2 Headers / labels or instructions:
The form fields are not necessarily interactive.
Do you need content in an accessible form?
You can request information in the documents using the form available. Contact the site administrators.
Lack of accessibility and response
Contact us if you want to point out any shortcomings in the accessibility of our website. It may take up to 14 days to receive a reply. If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received or do not receive an answer at all within two weeks, you can submit a lack of accessibility report to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The Regional State Administrative Agency’s website describes how you can submit a report and how the case is handled.
The supervisory authority’s contact details
The Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
The accessibility control unit
Telephone number (switchboard) 0295 016 000