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Tasks of the unit 

The resource management unit provides staff in the care and social welfare sector with the resources to meet the various temporary needs of the various work units in the wellbeing services region. 

The goal is to have enough staff in wards working under considerable pressure and to react quickly to load variations. 

Who are we?

The employees of the resource management unit are mainly internal substitutes, i.e. permanent employees with different job descriptions. These people are there to jump in at short notice, as holiday substitutes and as substitutes for statutory absences. In addition to this, external substitutes are hired when needed, for example during holiday periods. 

The work of the employees of the Resource Management Unit includes direct and indirect care / service according to the specialised / service needs of the client or patient. The work tasks follow the work tasks of the units. 


In order to promote recruitment, the Resource Management Unit works closely with the region’s educational institutions that focus on social welfare and healthcare services as well as with the heads of the units. 

More information about recruitment: 

KOHO activity 

The most important tasks of KOHO are to maintain the situational awareness of the organisation’s patient workload and human resources and to ensure that patients move from one ward to another smoothly and correctly. 

Discharge nurse’s role 

The discharge nurse’s role is to discharge patients from Vaasa Central Hospital as smoothly and in as timely a manner as possible, and to identify patients who need further treatment or support after discharge. 

Contact information by region: 

Vaasan keskussairaala

Anna-Mari Sanjama
Coordinating Service Manager
044 213 4805

Niina Rintamäki
Head Nurse – Care service unit 1
040 646 3366

Mia Östergård-Jussila
Head Nurse – Care service unit 2
044 323 2105

Maarit Lidman
Head Nurse – Care service unit 3
040 358 4162

Vaasa ja Laihia

Anna-Mari Sanjama
Coordinating Service Manager
044 213 4805

Majvor Håkans
Vaasa – Beds and home care / Care service unit 4
040 195 0093

Mia Östergård-Jussila
Housing services in Vaasa and Laihia / Care service unit 5
044 323 2105

Mustasaari ja Vöyri

Joakim Bäcklund
Coordinating Service Manager
050 421 0474

Pietarsaari, Luoto, Pedersöre ja Uusikaarlepyy

Joakim Bäcklund
Coordinating Service Manager
050 421 0474

Britta Pekkarinen 050 570 4536
Head Nurse
050 570 4536

Siw Frostdahl-Blomqvist
Head Nurse
040 182 6867

Närpiö, Kaskinen ja Kristiinankaupunki

Joakim Bäcklund
Coordinating Service Manager
050 421 0474

Maalahti ja Korsnäs

Joakim Bäcklund
Coordinating Service Manager
050 421 0474
