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Organisation and decision making

The highest decision-making body of the wellbeing services county is the county council, which is elected in county elections. The county council appoints the county board, which manages the operations, administration and finances of the wellbeing services county. Six subcommittees appointed by the county board participate in preparation and decision making in this regard. The staff of the wellbeing services county is responsible for daily operations. The agendas and minutes of meetings are public and you can familiarise yourself with them in this section.

Organisation and decision making

This page publishes the meeting agendas and minutes, which are public documents. However, these documents …

The county council is the highest decision-making body of the wellbeing services county. The county …

Aluehallitus johtaa hyvinvointialueen toimintaa, hallintoa ja taloutta.

According to section 13 of the administrative regulations, the board can be organised into subcommittees. …

County councils will be elected for wellbeing services counties in the elections held on April the 13th, 2025.

Data Protection and Processing of Personal Data in the Joint Municipal Authority for the Wellbeing …