Find your way around the H-building in Vaasa
Here you'll find information about how to get around the H-building in Vaasa.
Our services are handled by appointment. You can make an appointment for the nurses’ and doctors’ offices via our customer service centre, tel. 06 218 9000. Our experts assess your need for care and how urgently it is needed. Specialist healthcare services, on the other hand, require a referral or a care relationship. Contact details for our units and services can be found on our website.
You can register for your visit either with a mobile device or with a registration machine. To register with the machine, you need a Kela card, driver’s licence or invitation letter.
After registering, the machine or mobile device will tell you which floor and room you will go to. In some services, you can get a personal ID band from the registration machine, which you should fasten around your wrist.
Service advisors
Our service advisors are available in the main entrance every weekday from 07:00–15:00 to help you with your visit.
Other services
There is a restaurant on the third floor of the H-building, which serves both food and cafe products. There is a cafe in the entrance hall.
There is a pharmacy on the first floor, which can be accessed directly from the H-building. Use the entrance next to the main door of the central hospital’s T-building if you are not an H-building customer.