Social Ombudsman
Socialombudsmannen är en opartisk person som arbetar för att trygga klienternas intresse.
A Social Ombudsman is an impartial party who protects the interests of clients.
Social Ombudsman:
- advises clients on issues related to the application of national law
- assists clients in making a reminder
- informs clients about their rights
- acts to promote and enforce the clients’ rights
- monitors the development of the clients’ position and rights and reports annually to the municipal government
A Social Ombudsman has an advisory role. He or she does not make decisions or grant benefits. Neither can he or she amend decisions issued by an authority.
The Social Ombudsman’s area of responsibility includes public and private social welfare services and early childhood education services. It does not include services provided by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), employment authorities, debt counselling, welfare guardianship, or health care.
The service is free of charge.
A client who is dissatisfied with the quality of social welfare services received or with his or her treatment in connection to these services has the right to make a reminder. The reminder may be freely worded or submitted via a form.
Contact us
The Social Ombudsman is available Monday–Friday 8.00–14.00
Telephone: 040 507 9303
E-mail: (unsecured e-mail)
Visiting address: Korsholmanpuistikko 44, 65100 Vaasa
NOTE! If you want to give general feedback about our services or of a certain unit, do so by clicking on the appropriate link on this feedback page.