New recommendations for Ostrobothnia: It is recommended to minimise social contacts and slow things down, and it is recommended for adults to suspend group activities

The coronavirus situation in Ostrobothnia is serious. New infections occur in the range of 200-300 cases per day. The incidence in the region is 1360 and the region fully meets the criteria for an area in the community transmission phase. On Friday 7 January, the Ostrobothnia Corona Coordination Group held an extraordinary meeting, where new strong recommendations were made for the region. Adults are advised to minimise social contact with non-family members over the next two weeks, from 10-23 January 2022. It is also recommended that group activities for adults be suspended for the next two weeks, from 10-23 January 2022.
The coronavirus situation has deteriorated rapidly in Ostrobothnia over the past week. There are particular challenges in tracing infection chains and coronavirus testing. The seriousness of the situation is also illustrated by the fact that the need for hospital treatment in the region has increased during the past week due to coronavirus infections.
To solve the situation, a new coronavirus pandemic control strategy and new testing guidelines are being prepared for the Ostrobothnia region. The strategy and instructions are approved by the contingency and safety management teams of the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia. A press conference on the subject will be held on Monday 10 January, when the new guidelines will also be published on the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia website. An invitation to the press conference will be sent to the media as a separate invitation from this bulletin.
A decision on the closure of premises is expected from AVI
In addition to its new recommendations, the Ostrobothnia Corona Coordination Group, at its meeting on Friday, appealed to the Regional State Administrative Agency of Western and Inner Finland (AVI), which is expected to make a decision on the closure of facilities pursuant to section 58 g of the Communicable Diseases Act.
National guidelines are followed in school classroom teaching
Ostrobothnia follows the national guidelines with regard to classroom teaching in schools. Decisions and instructions from the government are expected. If schools move to distance learning according to national guidelines, it is recommended that leisure activities for children and young people be suspended for a nationally determined period.
If necessary, the situation will be reassessed on Tuesday 11 January, when the Ostrobothnia Corona Coordination Group meets again. If necessary, the group will meet earlier.
The recommendations and restrictions in force in the Ostrobothnia region can be read on the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia’s website. The site also shows that Ostrobothnia has met the criteria for an area in the community transmission phase.
For travel, countries with a high risk of coronavirus infection can be checked on the THL website.
Compilation of coronavirus indicators in Ostrobothnia
Epidemiological criteria for spreading regions: Reached in Ostrobothnia (Ostrobothnia is an area in the community transmission phase).
Total number of coronavirus infections: 7356 (Friday, 7 January 2022)
Regional incidence (14 days): 1360 (Friday, 7 January 2022)
Proportion of positive samples (last week, mean): 19,9 %
Coronavirus vaccinations in the region (NOTE! Over 12-year-olds): Of the region’s population, 88% has received one dose of the vaccine, 88.1% has received two doses of the vaccine, and 25% has received three doses of the vaccine (3 January 2022).
Meeting participants:
Marina Kinnunen, Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia (ÖVPH), pj., Peter Nieminen, ÖVPH, Juha Salonen, ÖVPH, Marjo Orava, ÖVPH, Heikki Kaukoranta, ÖVPH, Britt-Marie Bjon, ÖVPH, Sofia Svarsjö, ÖVPH , Gun Kapténs, Luoto (Larsmo), Mikaela Björklund, Närpiö (Närpes), Eeva Mäkinen, AVI, Dinah Arifulla, THL, Timo Saari, ELY, Petra Fager, ÖVPH, Hanna Hattar, ÖVPH, Päivi Berg, Secretary, ÖVPH
Role and composition of the Ostrobothnia Regional Corona Coordination Group
The task of the group is to plan and implement measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in its region. The use of recommendations and restrictive measures requires a comprehensive assessment in which decisions are made and weighed in terms of epidemiological, social and economic impacts and in relation to fundamental rights.