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School social workers are bound by confidentiality.

A school social worker is a social sector expert working at a school. He or she acts preventively; in other words, the school social worker attempts to prevent problems from growing too big.

With your consent, the school social worker may cooperate with other pupil welfare employees. We can also cooperate with healthcare and social welfare services to solve problems or redirect you forward to receive other kinds of help.

Moreover, your parents can contact the school social worker if they are worried about you.

In addition to school social workers, pupil welfare services consist of school psychologists and school healthcare.

Secondary education School Social Worker

A school social worker’s services are intended for students in secondary education (VALMA/TUVA, including vocational education arranged as intensive special needs support) and folk high schools. We work preventively to promote your mental and social health. School social workers cooperate with you, the school staff, other student welfare employees, and other important adults according to agreement.

Together with other school staff, we strive to make sure that the school is a healthy and safe working environment for all.

School social workers are bound by confidentiality, and all discussions with them are voluntary.

In addition to school social workers, student welfare services consist of school psychologists and student healthcare.

Contact Information

Janina Sundström tel. 050 502 3614
Nedervetil school and pre-school, Terjärvi school and pre-school

Sonja Enkvist-Nyman tel. 050 303 0529
Keskuskoulu, Ådalen school and pre-school

Åsa Björnvik tel. 044 721 7416
Bosund school and pre-school, Näs school and pre-school, Holm school and pre-school, Risö school and pre-school

Camilla Karlsson-Nygård tel. 044 721 7418
Cronhjelms school + 6th grade

Jennie Lassfolk tel. 044 755 7659
Sursik school

Malin Muukkonen tel. 044 085 0296
Lepplax school and pre-school, Överesse school and pre-school, Ytteresse school and pre-school, Axåkers school, Bäckby school

Raija Kotimäki tel. 040 4858509
Edsevö school and pre-school

Rebecca Ekman tel. 040 726 0859
Purmo school and pre-school, Edsevö Swedish-speaking school and pre-school

Sandra Dahlsten tel. 050 569 6631
Sandsund school and pre-school, Forsbyn school, Kållby school and pre-school

Anna Backlund tel. 040 559 1796
Lagmans school and pre-school, Bonäs-Vestersundsby school and pre-school, Kyrkostrands school and pre-school

Annika Niininen tel. 040 182 0392
Kielikylpy school and pre-school

Camilla Lasén tel. 040 352 0038
Oxhamns school grades 8-9

Ingela Lindfors tel. 044 721 5697
Oxhamns school grades 6-7

Raija Kotimäki tel. 040 485 8509
Länsinummen school and pre-school, Itälän school and pre-school

Sari Kalliosaari tel. 040 153 5396
Etelänummen school

Sosiaaliohjaaja Ellen Snellman tel. 040 513 9060
Resurssikoulu, Oxhamns school

Sosiaaliohjaaja Marjo Sumell tel. 040 547 6721
Resurssikoulu, Etelänummen school

Carina Ventin tel. 050 342 3384
Zacharias school grades 1-6 and pre-school, Hirvlax school, Socklot school and pre-school, Metsäkulman school and pre-school

Johanna Haglund tel. 050 432 5403
Zacharias school grades 7-9, Jepua school and pre-school, Munsala school and pre-school

Daniel Björndahl tel. 050 465 1640
Tegengren school

Jenni Strand tel. 050 531 2735
Koskeby school, Oravainen school and pre-school, Maksamaa school, Kimo school and pre-school, Karvsor school and pre-school, Rökiö school

Madelene Nykvist tel. 050 438 7010
Korsholms högstadium, Replot-Björkö school and pre-school

Emma Häggdahl tel. 040 156 3042
Korsholms högstadium

Hannele Ruutikainen tel. 050 541 1895
Mustasaaren keskuskoulu and pre-school

Ilona Tirkkonen tel. 050 341 8075
Tuovila school and pre-school

Anne Bogren tel. 040 589 2838
Norra Korsholm school and pre-school, Replot school and pre-school

Monica Nabb tel. 044 424 9202
Kvevlax lärcenter and pre-school, Vallgrund school and pre-school

Therese Hahn tel. 050 338 0956
Helsingby school and pre-school, Solf lärcenter and pre-school, Smedsby-Böle school and pre-school

Heidi Jansson tel. 040 6890 788
Borgaregatan school, Sundom school and pre-school, Gustavsborg pre-school

Camilla Ahlroth tel. 040 5464 348
Haga school and pre-school, Vasa övningsskola grades 1-9

Jimmy Sandbacka tel. 040 660 4338
Vikinga school and pre-school, Kotiranta pre-school, Malmögården pre-school

Katja Andreasson tel. 040 828 2707
Gerby school and pre-school

Emma Häggdahl tel. 040 156 3042
Borgaregatan school

Kaija Rautakorpi tel. 040 747 3857
Keskuskoulu, Satamapuisto pre-school, Pikkukasarmi pre-school, Huvikumpu pre-school, Inkerinpuisto pre-school, Purola pre-school

Katja Pape tel. 040 187 3228
Onkilahti school grades 1-6, Onkilahden valmistavat, nivelluokat, Steiner school, Metsäkallio pre-school, Palosaari pre-school, Steiner pre-schools

Krista Holkko tel. 040 190 8157
Nummen school, Suvilahti school, English Play School pre-school

Elina Poti tel. 040 194 7743
Huutoniemi school, Kristillinen koulu, Tervajoki school, Teeriniemi pre-school, Punahilkka pre-school, Ristinummi pre-school

Minna Laitala tel. 040 669 2889
Hietalahti school, Länsimetsä school, Inkerinpuisto pre-school, Omenalehto pre-school, Paakari pre-school

Johanna Karpiala tel. 040 188 2861
Isolahti school and pre-school

Maarit Järvimäki tel. 040 583 3172
Onkilahti school grades 7-9

Katja Mäki-ista tel. 040 740 4643
Variska school grades 7-9

Tiina Reini tel. 040 595 4771
Variska school grades 1-6, Alkula pre-school

Miska Kinnarinen tel. 040 136 9426
Merenkurku school

Ilona Tirkkonen tel. 050 341 8075
Savilahden yhtenäiskoulu, Merikaarto school, Villin lännen pre-school, Pikkuonnin pre-school

Virva Myllykangas tel. 050 3370 709
Rauhala school and pre-school, Perälä school and pre-school, Hulmi and Kylänpään schools and pre-schools

Tiina Reini tel. 040 595 4771
Kirkonkylä school and pre-school, Isokylä school and pre-school

Heidi Puska tel. 040 4850 567
Laihia lower secondary school

Johanna Karpiala tel. 040 188 2861
Maalahti school, Övermalax school and pre-school

Mats Bergvik tel. 050 516 6289
Yttermalax school and pre-school, Bergö school and pre-school, Molpe school, Korsnäs school, Taklax school, Petolahti lower secondary school

Madelene Nykvist tel. 050 438 7010
Petolahti lower secondary school

Emma Häggdahl tel. 040 156 3042
Petolahti school and pre-school

Ellinor Nylund tel. 040 668 3028
Stenbacken school and pre-school, Pörtom school and pre-school, Närpiö lower secondary school

Sofia Stoor tel. 040 611 7036
Närpiö lower secondary school

Patricia Bäckvik-Manngård tel. 040 627 7664
Övermark school and pre-school, Yttermark school and pre-school, Mosebacke school and pre-school, Västra Närpes school and pre-school

Marjo Leppäkangas tel. 040 355 8803
Kaskisten koulu and Finnish-speaking pre-school

Sofia Stoor tel. 040 611 7036
Kaskö skola and Swedish-speaking pre-school

Marjo Leppäkangas tel. 040 355 8803
Kantakaupungin school, Kristiinanseudun school, pre-school

Sara Hoxell tel. 050 475 8176
Härkmeri school and pre-school, Lapväärtin school and pre-school, Kristiinankaupunki school and pre-school, Kristiinankaupunki lower secondary school

Secondary education School Social Worker

Camilla Lasén tel. 040 352 0038
Pedersöre upper secondary school, Yrkesakademin

Maria Östman tel. 040 354 2709
Yrkesakademin Jakobstad, Pietarsaari Swedish-speaking upper secondary school

Sari Kalliosaari tel. 040 153 5396
Pietarsaari upper secondary school, Luovi

Ingela Lindfors tel. 044 721 5697

Björn Holm tel. 044 721 5241
Optima (Trädgårdsgatan, Lannäslund och bilservice)

Rebecca Ekman tel. 040 726 0859
Optima Lannäslund (hus och hem)

Erika Willman tel. 044 721 5291
Optima (Trädgårdsgatan)

Daniel Björndahl tel. 050 465 1640
Vöyri sports upper secondary school and Norrvalla

Mats Bergvik tel. 050 516 6289
Madelene Nykvist tel. 050 438 7010
Petolahti upper secondary school

Maria Östman tel. 040 354 2709
STEP Education

Johanna Haglund tel. 050 432 5403
Topelius upper secondary school

Sonja Enkvist-Nyman tel. 050 303 0529
Kruunupyy upper secondary school, Kvarnen (base camp)

Anne Bogren tel. 040 589 2838
Korshoms gymnasium

Mari Mäkelä tel. 0400 619 470
Vaasan lyseon lukio

Mia Antell tel. 040 1718 348
Vaasan lyseon lukio, Vasa gymnasium

Lena Valkeakari ma-pe tel. 040 353 6027
Maiju Bergdahl ti-to tel. 040 500 2538
Vamia Sampokampus

Emma Strömstén tel. 040 6614 128
Vamia Hansakampus (ruotsinkielisten linjojen opiskelijat, liiketoiminta, media, tieto- ja viestintätekniikka)

Kirsi Hakala tel. 040 4846 334
Vamia Hansakampus, Tuva, Luovi (hius- ja kauneudenhoito, matkailu, ravintola ja catering, puhdistus, TUVA)

Anu Saari tel. 040 5427 407
Vamia Hansakampus (sosiaali- ja terveysala)

Jimmy Sandbacka tel. 040 6604 338
Vasa Övningsskola upper secondary school

Emma Strömstén tel. 044 7277 988
Yrkesakademin (TELMA, fastighetsskötare)

Gunilla Johansson tel. 044 7503 237
Yrkesakademin (restaurang, ytbehandling, inredning, byggnads- och tekniska linjer)

Emilia Sandvik-Högnabba, tel. 044 727 7988
Yrkesakademin (social- och hälsovård, skönhetsbranschen)

Katja Andreasson tel. 040 8282 707
EFÖ (linje X)

Heidi Puska tel. 040 4850 567
Laihia upper secondary school

Sofia Stoor tel. 040 611 7036

Ellinor Nylund tel. 040 668 3028
Närpiö upper secondary school

Sofia Stoor tel. 040 611 7036
SVUX – Svenska och integration/vuxeninstitutet

Marjo Leppäkangas tel. 040 355 8803
Kristiinanseudun lukio

Sara Hoxell tel. 050 475 8176
Kristiinankaupunki Swedish-speaking upper secondary school, LAFÖ