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The activities of the Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic in Vaasa 

At the Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic, we treat patients with tumours of the uterus or ovaries, inflammation of the reproductive organs, bleeding disorders, cell changes in the cervix (papa), prolapses or urinary incontinence, among other things. We treat couples who have had a miscarriage or are suffering from infertility. We also perform abortions. 

You can have an appointment at the Outpatient Clinic with a referral from a hospital, health centre or private doctor, or with a hospital’s internal request for consultation. An invitation to the reception will be sent by post. 

Emergency patients will be admitted by referral without an appointment Mon–Thu from 07:30–15:00, and Fri from 07:30–14:30. At other times, the Maternity and Gynaecological Ward A4 is on call. 

Emergency visits for pregnant women are carried out either at the Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic (20 weeks of gestation and less) or in the delivery room (more than 20 weeks of gestation), located on the 4th floor of Building B. 

Due to the on-call nature of our Outpatient Clinic, you may have to wait slightly longer for your appointment than expected. 

The activities of the Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic in Pietarsaari 

The Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic treats various gynaecological problems, such as bleeding and hormone disorders, infections, incontinence (urinary incontinence), pelvic pain, and early pregnancy problems. In addition, we are responsible for the examination, treatment and follow-up of patients with gynaecological cancers. 

When evaluating the necessary gynaecological measures to take, we will place you in an outpatient clinic queue or send you to another hospital. 

Our clinic collaborates with the Family Planning Clinic, and we also take care of setting coils and contraceptive capsules. Book the appointment through the Family Planning Clinic. 

Contact information 

Kolpintie 7 / Pohjanlahdentie 1, Pl 111, 68601 Pietarsaari. Entrance H, 1st floor

Contact information

Enquiries regarding healthcare matters (requires referral or earlier care relation)
Nurse, Mon–Fri 8.00–15.00

Booking of appointment for abortions, enquiries regarding referrals and appointments
Department Secretary, Mon–Fri 14.00-14.45.

Vaasa Central Hospital, Hietalahdenkatu 2-4, 65130 Vaasa. A-building, 5th floor (A5)

Opening hours: Mon–Fri from 8.00–15.00

Contact information

Enquiries regarding healthcare matters (requires referral or earlier care relation)
Nurse, Mon–Fri 8.00–15.00

Booking of appointment for abortions, enquiries regarding referrals and appointments:
Department Secretary, Mon–Fri 14.00-14.45.