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Physiotherapy/ for adult

Address: Kolpintie 7, 68601 Pietarsaari

Physiotherapy for children

Address: Isokatu 7, Campus Allegro, 68600 Pietarsaari
Mon–Fri from 08:00–09:00, tel. 06 786 1367

Pietarsaari Physiatric Unit

Mon from 09:00–10:00, Tue–Fri from 08:00–09:00, tel. 06 786 2503

Address: Kolpintie 7 / Pohjanlahdentie 1, 68601 Pietarsaari

Email address:  

Uudenkaarlepyyn terveyskeskus

Mon from 08:00–09:00, tel.  06 786 2758

Address: Mathesiuksenkatu 9, 66900 Uusikaarlepyy

Email address:  

Oravainen-Vöyri-Maksamaa Health Station

Address: Öyrintie 25, 66800 Oravainen

Mon–Fri at 08:00–09:00, tel. 044 727 7376

Email address:  

Mustasaari Health Station

Address: Vanha Karperöntie 17 B, 65610 Mustasaari

Mon at 12:00–13:00, Tue-Fri at 8:00-8:30 tel. 06 218 4073

Email address:  

Physiotherapy for adult: Tammikaivontie 4, II kerros (rakennus 1), 65100 Vaasa

Fysioterapeutin suoravastaanotto (Direct reception): Hietalahdenkatu 2-4 Vaasa, 65100 Vaasa (H-talo, 1 krs.)

Physiotherapy for children: Terapiakeskus Neliapila, Tammikaivontie 4, (rakennus 3), 65100 Vaasa

Mon–Fri from 08:00–9:00, tel. 06 218 1211

Email address:

Laihia Health Station

Address: Vallinmäentie 43, 66400 Laihia

Mon–Fri from 08:00–09:00, tel. 06 218 1216

Email address:  

Maalahti-Korsnäs Health Station

Address: Tamppitie 2, 66100 Malax

Phone time Mon–Fri from 8:00–8:30, tel. 06 347 7622 or 050 374 3919

Email address:  

Närpiö Health Station

Address: Kirkkotie 6, 64200 Närpiö

Mon–Fri from 8:00-8:30, tel. 040 674 6017

Email address:  

Kristiinankaupunki, Selkämerenterveys

Address: Lapväärtintie 10, 64100 Kristiinankaupunki

Mon–Fri from 08:00–09:00, tel. 06 221 8471

Vaasa Psychiatric Unit

Address: Hietalahdenkatu 2-4, 65130 Vaasa (Location T0)

On weekdays from 08:00–15:00, tel. 06 213 1341

Physiotherapy without a doctors referral

If you suffer from musculosceletal problems (pain in back, neck or extremities), you can visit the physiotheraphist without a doctors referral.

The physiotherapist examines you, give you advice how to cope with the pain and advises you how to perform individual exercises. The physiotherapist can – if needed – write a certificate for sick leave.

Call the servicenumber (tel. 06 218 9000), and a nurse will interview you and evaluate your problem and make an appointment to the physiotherapist.

You can print and fill in a form of prior information here, or fill in the form at the physioterapists practice 10-15 minutes before the appointment.