Rehabilitation guidance
The rehabilitation coordinator supports the client's functional ability and independence. Coordinates the client's rehabilitation by assessing the client's overall situation and rehabilitation needs. Rehabilitation guidance is a low-threshold service for the client, the client's family members and the local community.
You can take contact directly, without a referral. Also, relatives, therapists and other experts in the client’s rehabilitation process can take contact with the clients permission. We can make home, daycare, school and workplace visits.
Contact information
Long-term illnesses (lung, and -cancer patients and palliative care clients
tel. 040 7085035
Neurological diseases and clients of the demanding rehabilitation ward
tel. 044 323 2422
Spinal cord injuries
tel. 040 634 2405
Hearing impairments
Tel. 040 7288051
Visual impairments
Tel. 040 728 8046
Tel. 040 352 8138
Neurological diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders
tel. 040 760 1267
Tel. 040 7780716
Long-term illnesses (internal,- skin,- and cancer diseases) visual impairments
tel. 044 323 2425
Hearing impairments and long-term illnesses
tel. 040 578 2848
Tel. 040 352 8138
Service locations
Sarjakatu 2 C, 3. floor, 65320 Vaasa