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If you wish, you have the option to receive the flu vaccine at the same time as the booster dose of the corona vaccine. If necessary, all three vaccinations can be given during the same visit.

Nb! Pneumococcal vaccines come in small batches at a time. Vaccines are given as they become available.

The pneumococcal vaccine protects against serious forms of disease caused by the pneumococcal bacterium, such as meningitis and blood poisoning (sepsis). It also protects against pneumococcal pneumonia and middle ear infection (otitis media).

The effectiveness of vaccinations depends on the age of the vaccinated person, any underlying disease as well as the frequency of the pneumococcal pathogens against which the vaccine provides protection.

Who is given a free Pneumococcal vaccination?

According to the national vaccination programme eligible for free vaccinations are:

  • people aged 65–84 with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • persons under 75 with severe kidney disease
  • persons under 75 with severely immunocompromised
  • patients who have received a stem cell transplant
  • children under the age of 5

Vaccinations are given as they become available. The treatment unit provides more detailed instructions on the vaccinations of patients who have received a stem cell transplant, and children under the age of 5 are vaccinated in a child health clinic according to a separate schedule.

Appointment bookings

Children’s vaccines are given at the child health clinic or via school health care.

Nb! Pneumococcal vaccines come in small batches at a time. Vaccines are given as they become available.

Book a vaccination appointment by calling Care Needs Assessment.

Care Needs Assessment

Call us for help on assessing your situation and guidance on our services.
Open Monday–Thursday from 08:00–15:00 and Fridays 08:00–14:00 (Variations between Municipalities may occur).
The number for a care needs assessment in Kristinestad is 06-218 6019 .

Jakobstad, Larsmo, Pedersöre och Nykarleby, 06 781 0330, Monday, Wednesday and Friday 8-14.