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Activities of the Child Welfare Clinic 

The health of the whole family is the main point of Child Welfare Clinic’s operations. Our aim is to monitor a child’s mental, physical and social development as well as to prevent and detect diseases at an early stage by the following means: 

  • Conducting regular health check-ups. 
  • Encouraging a healthy lifestyle – diet, sleep, exercise. 
  • Supporting parenting
  • Monitoring the child’s psychomotor development and speech development. 
  • Providing vaccinations in accordance with the national vaccination programme. 
  • Collaborating with, for example, daycare staff, psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapy, occupational and nutrition therapists, as well as social workers and the Family Centre. 

The number of appointment visits with nurses and doctors varies according to the individual needs and wishes of the child and family. We also make home visits. In addition, we provide group activities in some locations, such as parent–child groups and support groups for parents. Contact your Child Welfare Clinic for more information on group activities. 

The public health nurse is ready to help you and your family. She also has a duty of confidentiality, so you can discuss all issues related to your child and family in confidence. 

Food and meals for families with children

Read more

Distribution of Iodide Tablets from Maternity and Child Welfare Clinics

The Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia distributes potassium iodide tablets to families with under 3-year old children and to pregnant women. This is in accordance with the guideline of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on the use of medical iodine in the event of a radiation hazard situation and preparedness.

The iodide tablets will be distributed to the households at a regular visit to the clinic. If a visit to the Child Welfare Clinic is not due in 2-4 months, you can pick up the tablets from the clinic by separate agreement.

Pregnant women will also receive iodide tablets for their child to be born. For the rest of the population, i.e. children over 3 years and adults up to 40 years of age, self-preparedness is recommended. Households can purchase iodine tablets from pharmacies.

In the iodide package there is important information about how and when to use the tablets. Read this information carefully!

The primary protective measure is indoor protection in the event of a radiation hazard

The iodide tablets are only used if the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the rescue authorities recommend it. The rescue authorities send an emergency warning or give the information in some other way if you need to seek protection. In the event of a radiation hazard situation you always seek indoor protection first and taking iodine tablets is a secondary protective measure.

Exceptional opening hours summer 2024

Northern area:

– Luodo Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 31-32 (reception in Pietarsaari)

– Pännäinen Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 25-32 (reception in Ähtävä)

Central area:

– Mustasaari Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 17.6-11.8 (youngest children only)

– Vöyri Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 30-33 (reception in Oravainen)

– Gerby Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 24.6 – 11.8 (youngest children only)

– Gerby Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 27-31 (reception at Tammikaivo)

– Laihia Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 24.6 – 11.8 (youngest children only)

– Ristinummi Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 24.6 – 11.8 (youngest children only)

– Ristinummi Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 27-31 (reception at Tammikaivo)

– Sundom Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 23-31 (reception at Tammikaivo)

– Tammikaivo Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 24.6 – 11.8 (youngest children only)

Southern area:

– Bergö Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 26-30 (reception in Maalahti)

– Korsnäs Child Welfare Clinic, closed weeks 3-21.7 (reception in Maalahti)

– Kristiinankaupunki Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 17.6-11.8

– Maalahti Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 17.6-11.8

– Närpiö Child Welfare Clinic, reduced operations 17.6-11.8

Contact information

(find your contact information by clicking on your municipality)

Telephone numbers and hours

Alaveteli Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours weekdays at 10:30-11:30
Tel. 040 489 2306 or 040 489 2307


Alaveteli Child Welfare Clinic
Misterhultintie 4
68410 Alaveteli 

Telephone numbers and hours

Telephone counselling, telephone hours weekdays at 08:00-12:00
tel. 06 786 1234 (children aged 0–7 years)

NB! 11th of June telephone hours at 08:00-11:45 and from 17th of June telephone hours at 08:00-11:00.

Family Therapist Anna-Maria Vibäck, telephone hours weekdays from 11:00-11:30, tel. 050 313 5027 (also text messages) or 06 786 1246

Electronic services

You can book an appointment to the Child Welfare Clinic for check-ups for 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6-year-old children. Please book the appointment by telephone for the 18-month and 4-year check-ups.

You can also book follow-up appointments to the family therapist:

  • Individual counseling
  • Parent counseling
  • Couples counseling

Video appointment is available. When booking the appointment, please write in the additional information box, if you prefer attending remotely.

If you haven’t seen the family therapist before, please book your first appointment via telephone.


Pietarsaari Maternity and Child Welfare Clinic  
Kolpintie 7 / Pohjanlahdentie11 
PO Box 111, 68600 Pietarsaari 
Entrance H, 1st floor

Luoto Child Welfare Clinic 
Pajutie 2B
68570 Luoto

Uusikaarlepyy Child Welfare Clinic
Mathesiuksenkatu 9, Entrance C 
66900 Uusikaarlepyy

Pännäinen Child Welfare Clinic
Vaasantie 1
68910 Pännäinen

Ähtävä Child Welfare Clinic
Bärklarintie 3
68810 Ytteresse

Telephone numbers and hours

Oravainen Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours from 09:30-10:00 
tel. 044 727 7398

Vöyri Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours from 09:30–10:00 
tel. 050 511 8853

Maksamaa Health Care Center has been closed. Please contact either Vöyri or Oravainen Child Welfare Clinic from now on.

From January 1st 2024, 6-year-olds in the municipality of Vöyri will belong under the Child Welfare Clinic.

Electronic services

Appointments for age checks for 1-, 2-, 3-, 5- and 6-year-olds can be booked electronically from the link below. 


Oravainen Child Welfare Clinic 
Öurintie 25
66800 Oravainen 

Vöyri Child Welfare Clinic 
Lääkärintie 3
66600 Vöyri 

Telephone numbers and hours

Mustasaari Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 08:00-12:00  
tel. 06 218 4266

Choose the number of the child’s local health station. Your own nurse will then call you back between 12:00–13:00.

Urgent cancellations (same day) can be reported by texting tel. 044 727 1227. 

Electronic services

Appointments for age checks for 1-, 2-, 3- and 5-year-olds can be booked electronically from the link below. 


Mustasaari Child Welfare Clinic 
Mustasaari Health Centre, Entrances E and F
Vanha Karperöntie 17 B
65610 Mustasaari 

Björköby-Raippaluoto Child Welfare Clinic 
Kirkkotie 50
65800 Raippaluoto

Telephone numbers and hours

Vaasa Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 11:00–11:30
I public health nurse, tel. 040 809 9256 
II public health nurse, tel. 040 620 6625 
III public health nurse, tel. 040 769 2211 
IV public health nurse, tel. 040 356 3240 
V public health nurse, tel. 040 678 4631 
VI public health nurse, tel. 040 620 8351 
VII public health nurse, tel. 040 596 0235 
VIII public health nurse, tel. 040 646 3612
IX public health nurse, tel. 040 543 7179
X public health nurse, tel. 040 487 1740

Gerby Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 11:00–11:30
I public health nurse, Mon–Thu tel. 040 640 3154
II public health nurse, tel. 040 594 6027 
III public health nurse, tel. 040 628 3432 
IV public health nurse, tel. 040 480 6468

Ristinummi Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 11:00–11:30
I public health nurse, tel. 040 136 9152 
II public health nurse, tel. 040 571 6528 

Vähäkyrö Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 10:30–11:30
I public health nurse, tel. 050 377 6277 
II public health nurse, tel. 050 320 4037 (Merikaarto)

Sundom Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 10:30–11:30
Public health nurse, tel. 040 596 0235 

Electronic services 

Appointments for age checks for 1-, 2-, 3-, 5- and 6-year-olds can be booked electronically from the link below. 


Tammikaivo Child Welfare Clinic 
Tammikaivontie 4, building 3, 2nd floor (map)
65100 Vaasa 

Gerby Child Welfare Clinic 
Tammikaivontie 4, building 8
65100  Vaasa 

Ristinummi Child Welfare Clinic 
Jyrsijänkatu 2 
65370 Vaasa 

Vähäkyrö Child Welfare Clinic 
Vähänkyröntie 18 
66500 Vähäkyrö 

Sundom Child Welfare Clinic 
Sundomintie 13 
65410 Sundom 

Telephone numbers and hours

Laihia Child Welfare Clinic, appointment booking on weekdays 11:00–11:30
I public health nurse, tel. 050 331 6422 
II public health nurse, tel. 040 703 3298 

You can also ask the Clinic for the results of prescribed laboratory tests.


Laihia Child Welfare Clinic
Laihia Health Station 
Vallinmäentie 43 
66400 Laihia 

Electronic services

Appointments for check-ups of 1–3 year-olds and 5–6-year-olds should be booked through electronic services. Appointments for check-ups of 1.5 and 4 year-olds should be booked by telephone. 

Telephone numbers and hours

Maalahti Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 12:00-12:30
tel. 050 592 3850  

Petolahti Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours Tue-Fri 12:00-12:30
tel. 040 650 8029  

Bergö Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours Tue-Fri 12:00-12:30
tel. 040 650 8029  

Electronic services


Maalahti Child Welfare Clinic
Maalahti Health Centre
Tamppitie 2
66100 Maalahti

Telephone numbers and hours

Korsnäs Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 12:00–12:30
tel. 050 464 1747

Electronic services


Korsnäs Child Welfare Clinic
Norrbyntie 9
66200 Korsnäs 

Telephone numbers and hours

Närpiö Family Service Centre, telephone hours on weekdays 09:30-10:00
tel. 06 218 7601

You can also leave a call request at the number above on weekdays 08:00–12:00 and we call you back no later than the next working day. 

Urgent contact need, tel. 040 160 0944


Närpiö Family Service Centre
Närpiöntie 4
64200 Närpiö 

Families from Kaskinen receive their Child Welfare services at Närpiö Child Welfare Clinic.

Telephone numbers and hours

Närpiö Family Service Centre, telephone hours on weekdays 09:30-10:00
tel. 06 218 7601

You can also leave a call request at the number above on weekdays 08:00–12:00 and we call you back no later than the next working day. 

Urgent contact need, tel. 040 160 0944


Närpiö Child Welfare Clinic
Närpiö Family Service Centre
Närpiöntie 4
64200 Närpiö 

Telephone numbers and hours

Kristiinankaupunki Child Welfare Clinic, telephone hours on weekdays 08:30-09:30
tel. 06 221 8480 (appointment booking and telephone counselling)

Public health nurses at the Child Welfare Clinic 
Tuula Sandberg, tel. 040 508 5577 
Ann-May Lövdahl, tel. 040 737 2116 


Kristiinankaupunki Child Welfare Clinic 
Lapväärtintie 10 
64100 Kristiinankaupunki 

Persons in charge at the Child Welfare Clinics

Kruunupyy, Luoto, Pietarsaari, Pedersöre, Uusikaarlepyy

Vöyri, Mustasaari, Maalahti, Korsnäs, Närpiö, Kaskinen

Vaasa, Laihia

Senior Nurse