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Adaptation Training

Adaptation training may be granted for a disabled person and his or her family. It consists of guidance, counselling, and training, and it can be organized in the form of various courses or as individual adaptation training. Adaptation training may include e.g. housing training, training in mobility skills, braille, and courses that strive to improve a person’s social functioning.

Assistive Devices

Equipment, devices, and appliances that a disabled person needs to perform his or her daily activities, other than those used for medical rehabilitation, may be replaced or made available. Such assistive devices may include e.g. household appliances and leisure equipment.

The acquisition costs of these assistive devices are reimbursed for persons who, due to their disability or illness, need such devices in order to move about, communicate, or independently manage at home or in leisure activities. Only the reasonable and necessary costs incurred by such assistive devices that are essential due to a person’s disability or illness shall be reimbursed, and only to the extent of 50 %.

For more information, please contact a social worker from Disability Services at your closest social services unit.

Contact Information

Please note! Phone time Tuesday and Thursday at 9-10 am. For more information, please contact a social worker from Disability Services at your closest social service unit.

Address: Social services, Strengbergsgatan 1, 68600 Jakobstad.

Phone time Tuesday and Thursday at 9-10 am.

Social worker, phone 050 374 0781

Social instructor, phone 040 353 6057

Address: Malmska social- och hälsocentral, Kållbyvägen 7, PB 111, 68601 Jakobstad

Phone time Tuesday and Thursday at 9-10 am

Disability services for adults:

Social worker, phone 040 805 1317 (K-Ö), Jakobstad and Larsmo

Social worker, phone 040 805 1973, Nykarleby and Pedersöre

Social worker, phone 040 355 1475, Nykarleby and Pedersöre

Social instructor, phone 040 805 1902 

Social instructor, phone 040 805 1395, Nykarleby and Pedersöre

Social instructor, phone 050 523 3432, Jakobstad and Larsmo

Social instructor, phone 050 374 0781, Jakobstad and Larsmo

Disability services for children

Social worker, phone 040 805 1384, Jakobstad, Larsmo and Pedersöre

Social worker, phone 044 721 7716, Jakobstad, Larsmo and Nykarleby

Habilitation Instructor, phone 040 805 1734 

Habilitation Instructor, phone 040 805 1705

Address: Socialkansliet, Öurvägen 31, 66800 Oravais

Social worker, phone time Tuesday and Thursday at 9 – 10 am, phone 06 218 3823 

Social instructor, phone 040 168 5379

Address: Socialservices, Centrumvägen 4, Smedsby

Social worker phone 040 489 6051 (children)

Social worker phone 040 640 3186 (children)

Social instructor, phone 044 424 9211 (adults)

Children and families:

Social worker phone 040 489 6051     A-I (sorted by last name)

Social worker phone 040 183 5867     J-O (sorted by last name)

Social worker phone 040 640 3186     P-Ö (sorted by last name)

Social instructor, phone 040 545 6445

Habilitation Instructor, phone 040 152 6474 / 040 515 1186 

Families in Vasa:

Social worker phone 044 424 9211    
Phone time Tuesday and Thursday at 9-10 am.

Adult social work:

Social instructor phone 040 742 7092    A-K + svenska. (sorted by last name)

Social instructor phone 040 837 3350   L-Ö + Vähäkyrö. (sorted by last name)

Disability service, adults

Social worker phone 040 747 2678  A-K + svenska(sorted by last name)

Social instructor phone 040 843 9817  L-Ö + Vähäkyrö. (sorted by last name)

Instructor 040 805 1772  (adults). Phone time weekdays at 9-11 am.

Social worker phone 040 183 5867  (children)

Social worker phone 040 650 8123    (adults).

Social worker phone 044 424 9237   (children) 

Social worker phone 040 650 8123 (adults).
Social worker phone 044 424 9237   (children) 

Social worker phone 040 650 8123 (adults)
Social worker phone 044 424 9237   (children) 

Social worker phone 040 650 8123 (adults)
Social worker phone 044 424 9237   (children) 

Social worker phone 040 650 8123 (adults)
Social worker phone 044 424 9237   (children)