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Description of the Service

A social worker and the family review the family’s situation and possible problems in an assessment of service needs. The social worker meets with the child and parents on several occasions. These meetings take place at the social services office and the family’s home. If necessary, the social worker may request meetings with cooperation partners, such as daycare centres or schools.

The child’s best interests are always at the centre of the assessment, and the goal is to investigate whether the family needs support and also to find the best forms of support.

On the basis of the investigation, the social worker can refer the family to various forms of support. If necessary, a client relationship is started within Child and Family Social Work or Child Welfare. If there is no need for support, the matter is noted and the client relationship terminated.

The service assessment is sent to the child’s custodian after its completion. The social worker shall assess the service needs within three months of receiving contact regarding the matter.

What To Do

If you need support, you can contact Child and Family Social Work via phone. You can also complete various forms to initiate contact.

If you want to apply for a specific form of basic service support for your family, you can complete the form “Application for Basic Services for Families with Children” electronically or on paper.

A professional or a competent authority may help the family to establish contact or prepare a notification of the need for social welfare services. This is done by completing the form “Contact and Notification to Social Welfare Services” electronically or on paper.

Anyone who is worried about the wellbeing of a child or youth may file a child welfare notification. According to law, various authorities and professionals have an obligation to make a child welfare notification despite their professional secrecy. If you’re unsure of when to submit a child welfare notification, you can take a look at our instructions for professionals and authorities. You can also consult a social worker. A child welfare notification can be submitted by completing the form “Child Welfare Notification” electronically or on paper or by calling a social worker.

When Does a Family Need Support?

A family may need support with various challenging life situations. The family’s difficulties may concern upbringing and care, family relationships, or a child’s behaviour. They may also need support with sudden crisis situations, substance abuse problems, or domestic violence. The need for support may be temporary or long-term.

Address: Socialcentralen, Vörågatan 46, 65101 Vasa 

Phone time weekdays at 8-12 am, phone 06 218 1417

Address: Grundtrygghetsavdelningen, Vallinmäentie 43 (2.vån), 66400 Laihela 

Masanen Jenni, social worker-in-charge, phone 040 4836 324

Rantala Elina, social worker, phone time weekdays at 10-11 am , phone 040 4850 570

Address: Familje- och individomsorgen, Centrumvägen 4, Smedsby 

Phone time: Monday, Tuesday & Friday at 12–13, Wednesday & Thursday at 8.30–9.30 am

Pia Bäck, social worker Monday – Thursday, phone06 218 4155

Madeleine Svanström, social worker Tuesday – Friday, phone 06 218 4164 

Address: Socialkansliet, Öurvägen 31, 66800 Oravais 

Phone time weekdays at 8-16, phone 050 463 2770

Address: Enheten för barnskydd, Malmska social- och hälsocentral 
Kållbyvägen 7 / Bottenviksvägen 1, ingång H, våning 5 
Pb 111, 68601 Jakobstad 

Phone time weekdays at 8-16, phone 040 805 1726 

Address: Socialkansliet, Malmgatan 5, 66100 Malax 

Phone time weekdays 8.30–9.30. 

Susanne Lindh,  social worker, child protection officer, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday, phone 06 347 7312 
Susanne Amoako, social worker, weekdays, phone06 347 7316
Fanny Bäck, social worker, Monday, Tuesday & Thursday, phone 06 347 7309

If urgent need of social services phone 040 654 1067 weekdays at 8 – 16.00

Address: Social- och familjetjänster, Närpesvägen 4, 64200 Närpes

Camilla Åstrand, social worker, phone 040 160 0638

Carina Westberg, social worker, phone 040 160 0939

Åsa Källberg, social worker, phone 050 440 3207

Address: Lappfjärdsvägen 10, 64100 Kristinestad

Phone time weekdays 8-16, phone 040 167 9715

Susanne Rounikko, social worker, weekdays 9.30-10.30, phone 040 482 7719

Address: Slussgatan 11 A, 64260 Kaskö

Henna Kronlund, social worker, phone time weekdays 10.30-11.30, phone 045 1321
