Rehabilitative Work Activities
Rehabilitative work activities are intended for persons who cannot participate in public employment service or work due to limitations in their working and functional ability. In other words, it is a secondary service in relation to employment and business services.
Rehabilitative work is based on an activation plan that is drawn up together by the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office), social welfare services, and the client.
Comprehensive services shall be prepared for the client and detailed in the activation plan. The planning work takes into consideration the client’s individual situation, which also determines the range of services that are offered to him or her.
The purpose of rehabilitative work activities is:
● to counteract the negative consequences of unemployment for the client’s functional ability
● to strengthen the client’s life and everyday competence as well as his or her working and functional ability
● to counteract social exclusion by offering an opportunity to participate in work activities and other services
Rehabilitative work activities are organized for long-term unemployed persons who receive labour market subsidy or social assistance and who cannot participate in the primary services provided by the TE Office due to their working and functional ability.
Rehabilitative work is based on the client’s individual needs, part-time or full-time 1–4 days per week for the duration of 3–24 months. The activities strive to be goal-oriented in order to improve the client’s life management skills and functional ability so that the client may be employed, apply for education, or participate in the TE Office’s employment-promoting services.
Contact Information
Call Centre, phone 06 218 9400
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14.
Station Lotsen
Jakobsgatan 37, 68600 Jakobstad
Tiina Kultalahti-Byskata, phone 040-4837501 Station Lotsen
Tom Byskata, phone 040-5391654 Station Lotsen
Jan-Erik Sågfors, phone 040-4817657 Station Lotsen
Lotta Nyman, phone 040-5460789 Station Lotsen
Henrik Nyman, phone 040-1581647 Group, Vörå
Henrik Nyman, phone 040-1581647 Group activity in Vörå
Noste and Arpeeti
Noste: Handelsesplanaden 4 A, 65100 Vasa
Arpeeti: Tyyristie 2, 66440 Tervajoki
Anu Timonen, phone 040-6147577 Noste/Flyt, Arpeeti, group activity in Närpes and Kristinestad
Viivi Ahonen, phone 040-6147077 Noste/Flyt
Olli Järvenkylä, phone 040-6146556 Noste/Flyt
Henry Kujala, phone 040-6565206 Noste/Flyt
Vilhelmi Masanen, phone 040-6147239 Noste/Flyt
Joni Moisio, phone 040-6148287 Noste/Flyt
Jani Seppä, phone 040-6146521 Noste/Flyt
Esa Valtonen, phone 040-6147309. Noste/Flyt
Laura Haakana, phone 050-3456424 Arpeeti
Juha Latvala, phone 050-3036769 Arpeeti
Kirsi Myllykoski, phone 044-5715257 Arpeeti
Anu Timonen, phone 040-6147577 Group activity in Närpes
Anu Timonen, phone 040-6147577 Group activity in Kristinestad
Kirsi Jormanainen, phone 040 354 4708 Rehabilitative work activities, Ostrobothnia
Anne Niemi, phone 040 541 9017 Rehabilitative work activities, southern and middle region of Ostrobothnia
Annika Lill-Sundqvist, phone 040 191 6382 Rehabilitative work activities, northern region of Ostrobothnia