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Link to the webpage of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela)

Supplementary and Preventive Social Assistance

The Joint Municipal Authority for the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia grants supplementary and preventive social assistance. In order to qualify for supplementary assistance, a decision on basic social assistance is required from Kela (does not apply to funeral grant applications).

Supplementary Social Assistance

Special expenses caused by a person’s or family’s exceptional circumstances may be covered with supplementary social assistance (for more details, see the Implementing Directive in the link below).

Preventive Social Assistance

The purpose of preventive social assistance is to further a person’s or family’s social security and independent living as well as to prevent social exclusions and long-term dependence on social assistance.

Contact your municipality’s Social Welfare Services and book an appointment. When you have received a decision on basic social assistance, you can apply for supplementary and preventive social assistance. You can receive guidance and support in matters concerning both life management skills and income.


Contact a social worker from your nearest unit.

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Senior social worker, phone 044 403 8573

Social info, Strengbergsgatan 1D.  Open weekdays at 9 – 12 am. 

Address: Socialkansliet, Öurvägen 31, 66800 Oravais 

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Social worker, phone  06 218 3822 weekdays at 9:00 – 10:00 am

Address: Korsholms Kommun Socialvårdstjänster, Centrumvägen 4, Smedsby 

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Senior social worker, phone 040 136 3642

Information is open Tuesday and Wednesday 12 – 15 and Thursday 9 – 12

Address: Korsholmsesplanaden 44, 65100 Vasa

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Requests, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10-11, phone 040 549 6738
Senior social worker, phone 040 136 3642

Address: Grundtrygghetsavdelningen, Vallinmäentie 43 (2.vån), 66400 Laihela 

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Senior social worker, phone 040 132 1593

Address: Malmgatan 5, 66100 Malax

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Requests, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10-11, phone 040 549 6738

Senior social worker, phone 040 136 3642

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Requests, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10-11, phone 040 549 6738

Senior social worker, phone 040 136 3642

Address: Närpesvägen 4, 64200 Närpes

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Senior social worker, phone 045 132 1593

Address: Slussgatan 11 A, 64260 Kaskö

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Requests, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10-11, phone 040 549 6738

Senior social worker, phone 040 136 3642

Address: Lappfjärdsvägen 10, 64100 Kristinestad

Call Centrephone 06 218 9400 
Open Monday – Thursday 8-15 and Fridays 8–14. 

Requests, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10-11, phone 040 549 6738

Senior social worker, phone 040 136 3642