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Description of the Service

A child’s parents and other custodians have main responsibility for the child’s wellbeing, upbringing, and care.

Authorities working with children and families support parents and custodians in their upbringing role and strive to offer families necessary and early help and, if necessary, refer children and families to child welfare services.

Child- and family-oriented child welfare encompasses the establishment of client plans and the implementation of open care support measures. It also includes emergency placement and taking a child into care as well as its connected out-of-home care and aftercare.

Open Care Support Measures in Child Welfare

Child- and family-oriented child welfare work is mainly carried out in open care. All children who are clients of child welfare services have a client plan detailing goals and support measures. The support measures are planned and evaluated as far as possible in cooperation with the child and family.  Open care support measures include e.g. intensified family work and family rehabilitation. The measures are tailored according to the child’s needs.

Taking A Child into Care and its Connected Out-Of-Home Care

If open care support measures in child welfare are not sufficient or liable to protect a child’s right to a safe and balanced growth environment, the child has the right to be taken into care and placed into out-of-home care. Out-of-home care means that the child’s care and treatment will be arranged via a placement into family care or an institution. When a child is placed outside the home, placement within the family or relatives must be assessed. In the continued work with the child and family, the goal is to improve the whole family’s situation so that the child may return home.


When an out-of-home placement ends, a child or youth is often in need of special support and, therefore, has a right to aftercare. Aftercare is terminated when the individual reaches the age of 25 or when five years have passed since the child was last a client of child welfare services.

Useful forms

Address: Enheten för barnskydd, Malmska social- och hälsocentral 
Kållbyvägen 7 / Bottenviksvägen 1, ingång H, våning 5 
Pb 111, 68601 Jakobstad 

Phone time weekdays at 8-16, phone 040 805 1726 

Maria Aho , social worker, phone 050 518 4610

Karin Bjonbäck, social worker, phone 040 805 1972

Mia Björkgård , social worker, phone 040 805 1911

Anne Enlund, social worker, phone 040 805 1675

Jennie Haga, social worker, phone 040 805 1559

Anna Ingo , social worker, phone 040 805 1359

Helinä Lillrank, social worker, phone 040 805 1912

Pia Nordling, social worker, phone 040 805 1485

Erica Nyblom, social worker, phone 050 411 7508

Lena Nyfelt, social worker, phone 040 805 1952

Fredrika Vestvik, social worker, phone 040 805 1910

Julia Granholm, social worker, phone 050 461 8398

Anette Ohlsson, service secretary, phone 040 805 1636

Minna Söderlund, service secretary, phone 040 805 1617

Address: Social services, Centrumvägen 4, Smedsby 

Address: Socialkansliet, Öurvägen 31, 66800 Oravais 

Tiina Böling, social worker-in-charge, phone 040 745 23 38

Linda Nyström, social worker, phone 044 424 9111

Marie Björklund, social worker, phone 044 424 9101

Julia Käldström-Sund, social instructor, phone 040 359 4137

Daniela Julin, social instructor, phone 050 313 4727

Address: Socialcentralen, Vörågatan 46, 65101 Vasa 

Phone time weekdays at 8 – 12 am, phone 06 218 1417

Tiina Böling, social worker-in-charge, phone 040 745 2338

Kirsi Vuorinen, social worker-in-charge, phone 040 773 2351

Katja Lammassaari, social worker, phone 040 670 3276

Susanne Palm-Wahlstedt, social worker, phone 040 483 6495

Katariina Ramberg, social worker, phone 050 432 2187

Emmi Hakala, social worker, phone 040 584 2620

Tiina Pakkala, social worker, phone 040 352 7022

Mari Nelimarkka, social worker, phone 040 194 3239

Janika West, social worker, phone 040 653 8974

Heli Koivula, social worker, phone  040 735 0988

Jaana Kahilakoski, social worker, phone  040 669 1998

Jonna Kivelä, social worker, phone 040 661 4267

Jaana Laine, social worker, phone 040 356 8968

Virpi Tolonen, social worker, phone 040 187 5140

Ulla – Maija Marttunen, office secretary, phone 040 351 6556

Angelina Nyblom, office secretary, phone 040 484 9439

Address: Social services, Vallinmäentie 43 (2.vån), 66400 Laihia 

Rantala Elina, social worker, phone time weekdays at 10-11 am , phone 040 4850 570

Kirsi Vuorinen, social worker-in-charge, phone 040 773 2351

Camilla Åstrand, social worker, phone 040 160 0638

Hanna Högback, social worker, phone 050 329 7564

Chief of child protection

Virpi Kortemäki, phone 040 086 0096