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Questions and answers about the coronavirus situation

The rapidly changing coronavirus situation has raised a wide range of questions regarding, for example, coronavirus testing, exposures and certification. Here are answers to some common questions.

What is isolation and what is quarantine? How long do they last?

Based on an official positive coronavirus test, an isolation order in accordance with the Communicable Diseases Act is made for 10 days as follows:

  • when the test result is positive and the person has symptoms, the isolation is calculated from the onset of symptoms
  • When the test result is positive but the person has no symptoms, isolation is counted from the day of the test.

Isolation is not voluntary but a legal obligation.

Official quarantine is an administrative decision made by a physician responsible for infectious diseases for a person who has been exposed to the coronavirus. The length of quarantine is 5 days from exposure. The physician responsible for infectious diseases may decide on a different duration.

When you are in official quarantine or isolation, you should avoid contact with people outside your household. You can go out as long as you maintain a safe social distance from other people. As such, you are not allowed to go to work, go shopping, visit a pharmacy, engage in hobbies or attend public events, for example.

What is the length of time I have to be at home after a family exposure (in quarantine)?

When the first family member becomes ill, the length of quarantine for other family members is usually 5 days. The time is calculated from the moment the sick person’s symptoms begin. If the infected person is asymptomatic, the time is calculated from the date of sampling. If more family members become ill, a new 5-day quarantine for asymptomatic people will begin. In total, quarantine can last up to three weeks.

Do I have to be quarantined even after I have been vaccinated?

A person who has received a full course of vaccinations will not normally be quarantined after exposure. Because a fully vaccinated person can also become infected, we recommend that you voluntarily avoid contact if you are exposed. If you get symptoms after exposure, you should do a home test.

If the infection is with someone who lives with you in the same household, it is more likely that you will be quarantined because the exposure has lasted so long and continues.

However, the decision is always made by a physician responsible for infectious diseases.

If you have been quarantined by a physician responsible for infectious diseases, compliance is a legal obligation, not a voluntary one.

Will the quarantine time be shortened by taking a coronavirus test?

No, the length of official quarantine cannot be shortened by taking a coronavirus test (and a negative result).

How will I be contacted if I have been exposed to the coronavirus?

We are currently mainly contacting and making quarantine decisions for people living in the same households.

I met a friend who tested positive for the coronavirus. What should I do?

We recommend that anyone exposed to the coronavirus avoid all contact with other people for five (5) days. For example, we recommend teleworking where possible. If symptoms occur, perform a home test.

I made a home test and it was positive. What do I have to do?

You should avoid contact with people outside your home for ten days. The time is calculated from the onset of symptoms. If you need a certificate of a coronavirus infection due to loss of earnings, apply for an official test. You do not need to confirm a positive result with an official test if you do not need a certificate.

Personally contact people with whom you have been in close contact (less than 2 m and for more than 15 minutes) for 48 hours before or after the onset of symptoms.

My child tested positive for the coronavirus in a home test. Does he/she have to be taken for an official test?

If you are caring for a child under the age of 16 at home and need a certificate to receive an infectious disease allowance, the child must take an official coronavirus test. If you are at home, for example, teleworking or on family leave, there is no need for an official test.

There has been a coronavirus case in my child’s class. Can my child go to school?

A child can go to school if he or she is healthy (asymptomatic) and has not been quarantined by a physician responsible for infectious diseases. A child placed in quarantine is not allowed to go to school.

My child and his/her friend have the coronavirus, but they have no symptoms. Can they play together?

No, a person who has tested positive for a coronavirus infection must avoid meeting all those who do not live in the same household. Coronavirus is contagious, even if asymptomatic.

I want to book a time for coronavirus vaccination for myself / my child. Why are there no times in the appointment booking system? Is it broken?

Times for coronavirus vaccinations are added weekly. In addition, any cancellation times will be updated daily. Our staffing situation varies, so new times will be added as we get new people on vaccination shifts. In the current coronavirus situation, vaccinations cannot be arranged without an appointment.