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Record number of coronavirus patients being treated in Ostrobothnia

In Ostrobothnia, a record number of patients who tested positive for the coronavirus are currently being treated at the same time as nursing staff are away on sick leave. The situation particularly affects non-urgent care, as staff are relocated to the most urgent patient cases. The difficult epidemic situation means that other activities, for example at Vaasa and Mustasaari health stations and Vaasa Central Hospital, have been reduced.

An ordinary medical certificate is sufficient to qualify for sick leave

A person infected with the coronavirus should continue to remain at home, avoiding contact outside the home for at least five days. However, the actual isolation order for the employer is no longer required, and an employee who has fallen ill with a coronavirus can be absent from work with a regular medical certificate.

“An absence from work due to a positive case of the coronavirus is covered by a medical certificate, which can be written by a doctor, nurse or occupational health nurse. The change affects all employers,” says Chief Physician Peter Nieminen.

The medical certificate for sick leave is written for five days. Sick leave begins on the day the coronavirus symptoms began or an asymptomatic positive coronavirus test is confirmed. If the symptoms persist after the end of the sick leave, any further absence must be agreed with your employer.

Changes in applying for an infectious disease allowance

In the future, a person who has tested positive for the coronavirus can apply for a certificate for an infectious disease allowance from a regional contact tracing authority, local occupational healthcare provider or a private healthcare provider. A positive result from an official coronavirus test is required to apply for an infectious disease allowance. More information and contact information for infection tracing by region can be found on the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia website.

The epidemic situation on 15 March can be found on the Epidemic situation and recommendations webpage.