Fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine for seniors begins in Ostrobothnia

The fourth dose of coronavirus vaccine for people over 80 and those living in care homes will start in Ostrobothnia. Anyone over the age of 80 can set aside a time for a coronavirus vaccination. Residents of care homes are vaccinated in units. A fourth dose of coronavirus vaccine is also strongly recommended for immunocompromised individuals from 12 years of age when 3-4 months have passed since the third dose.
The fourth dose of coronavirus vaccine can be given 3 months after the third vaccine. A fourth dose of coronavirus vaccine is not recommended if a person aged 80 or over or living in a care home for seniors has received three vaccines and contracted coronavirus disease.
– The fourth vaccination reduces the risk of getting a coronavirus infection. In addition, it further reduces the risk of developing a serious form of the disease. We strongly recommend taking a booster dose, says the Chief Physician of the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, Peter Nieminen.
If a person has received two coronavirus vaccines and has suffered from a coronavirus infection, a third dose is recommended. Vaccination should be given no earlier than 3 months after the last dose of the vaccine or the infection.
Coronavirus vaccination appointments
Appointments for a coronavirus vaccination are made according to the instructions of your home municipality. Information on vaccination points and appointment instructions can be found on the Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia website. You can book an appointment electronically or by telephone, depending on your local policies.
Residents of care homes do not have to set aside a time for a booster vaccination, since vaccinations are handled by the units. There is no minimum age for the vaccination of senior citizens living in care homes. The recommendation for the fourth vaccination dose does not apply, for example, to younger people living in care homes for those with intellectual disabilities.
More information on the fourth coronavirus vaccine can be found on the THL website.