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Students attending universities and universities of applied sciences and should turn to the FSHS – Finnish Student Health Service for student healthcare. 

Finnish Student Health Service

Activities of Student Health Care 

The purpose of student health care is to maintain and promote students’ wellbeing by the following ways: 

  • Promoting healthy and safe learning environments and wellbeing in the learning community. 
  • Promoting and monitoring student’s health and ability to study. 
  • Providing healthcare services to students, including activities related to mental health and addictions, as well as promoting sexual health and oral health care. 
  • Identifying the need of students for special support or examinations at an early stage, supporting students and, if necessary, directing them to further examinations and treatment. 

Payment for non-cancelled or a late cancelled booking

You must cancel your appointment no later than the previous working day. For late cancellations or no-show appointments, we withhold the right to charge a fee according to our current pricing policy. The fee is charged to everyone over the age of 18. No fee is charged, if there is a valid reason for not cancelling the appointment, such as a medical certificate.

Assessment of a minor’s ability to make decisions about their treatment

Children have the right to participate in decision-making concerning the management of their affairs in accordance with their level of development.

You can read more here.

Contact information 

Telephone number

Kronoby gymnasium, Kronoby Folkhögskola, answers when possible/callback to missed calls
tel. 050-3629954, Anni Hjulfors

Postal address

Student Health Care Kruunupyy
Diana Hagman
Pajutie 2B
68570 Luoto

Telephone numbers and hours

Optima Trädgårdsgatan, Optima Lannäslund, telephone hours weekdays 09.30-10.00
tel. 050 446 0046, Annika Back

Optima Trädgårdsgatan, Optima Nykarleby, telephone hours weekdays 09.30-10.00
tel. 050 443 6977, Ghita Wikblom

Jakobstad gymnasium, Yrkesakademin i Jakobstad, Luovi, telephone hours Mån-Thu 08.30-09.00 and Fri 09.30-10.00
tel. 044 320 1381, Susanne Holm

Pedersöre Gymnasium, Yrkesakademin i Pedersöre, Topelius gymnasium, Kristliga folkhögskolan Step, telephone hours Mon-Thu 08.30-09.00 and Fri 09.30-10.00
tel. 040 194 9214, Sofia Holmborg

Postal address

Student Health Care Pietarsaari/Pedersöre/Luoto/Uusikaarlepyy
Diana Hagman
Pajutie 2B
68570 Luoto

Telephone number and hours

Vörå samgymnasium, Norrvalla folkhögskola, Norrvalla idrottsinstitut, weekdays 08:30-09:00
tel. 040 352 5285


Vörå samgymnasium/Norrvalla folkhögskola/Norrvalla idrottsinstitut
Student Health Care
Vöyrintie 305
66600 Vöyri

Telephone number and hours

Korsholms gymnasium, telephone hours weekdays 08:30-09:00
tel. 040 352 5285


Mustasaari Health Care Centre
Student Health Care
Vanha Karperöntie 17 B
65610 Mustasaari

Telephone numbers

Vamia Hansa Campus, Evengeliska folkhögskolan, Fria Kristliga folkhögskolan
tel. 040 649 5443
tel. 040 656 5433
tel. 040 649 5131
tel. 040 183 6492

Vamia Sampo Campus
tel. 040 185 8482
tel. 040 656 5332

Yrkesakademin Campus Kungsgården
tel. 044 750 3132
tel. 040 649 5230

Lyseon lukio
tel. 040 145 2766
tel. 040 145 2734

Vasa gymnasium
tel. 040 649 4808

Vasa Övningsskolas gymnasium
tel. 040 649 4808

Alma Adult Education Centre, Evengeliska folkhögskolan, Fria Kristliga folkhögskolan
tel. 040 549 8826


Vamia Hansa Campus, Evengeliska folkhögskolan, Fria Kristliga folkhögskolan
Ruutikellarintie 2 
65100 Vaasa

Nurses available at the school.  Reception without appointment booking weekdays 08:00–9:30. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

The reception for students of Evangeliska folkhögskolan and Fria kristliga folkhögskolan operates at the same place at the times mentioned above. 

Vamia Sampo Campus
Sepänkyläntie 16
65100 Vaasa

Student nurses available at the school.  Reception without appointment booking weekdays 08:00–10:00. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

Yrkesakademin Campus Kungsgården
Kuninkaankartanontie 30
65380 Vaasa

Student nurses available at the school. Reception without appointment booking weekdays 08:00–09:00. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

Lyseon lukio
Vaasanpuistikko 8
65100 Vaasa

Student nurse available at the school. Reception without appointment booking weekdays 08:15–09:30. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

Vasa gymnasium
Kirkkopuistikko 27
65100 Vaasa

Student nurse available at the school. Reception without appointment booking weekdays 08:15–09:00. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

Vasa Övningsskolas gymnasium
Koulukatu 31
65100 Vaasa

Student nurse available at the school on Mon–Tue and Thu–Fri.  Reception without appointment booking 08:15–09:00. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

Alma Adult Education Centre
Raastuvankatu 31
65100 Vaasa

Nurses available at the school.  Reception without appointment booking Mon-Thu 08:30-9:30. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

The reception for students of Evangeliska folkhögskolan and Fria kristliga folkhögskolan operates at the same place at the times mentioned above. 

Electronic services 

In order to implement eHealth services, you must fill out the electronic services agreement with your student nurse. The agreement will be filled out at the reception. If you have technical problems using or in connection with the eHealth service, send an e-mail to: 

Telephone number

Laihian lukio
tel. 040 714 8910


Laihian lukio
Student Health Care
Länsitie 62
66400 Laihia

Electronic services 

You can fill out an electronic services agreement and send messages electronically. 

Telephone number and hours

Gymnasiet i Petalax, telephone hours weekdays 08:10–08:40
tel. 050 321 4920

Address and instructions

Gymnasiet i Petalax
Student Health Care
Mamrentie 9
66240 Petolahti

Reception without appointment booking on weekdays 08:45–09:45 at Högstadiet i Petalax. 

School nurse Ann-Sofie Brännkärr-West meets students at Högstadiet i Petalax and Gymnasiet i Petalax on Wed–Fri. In addition, Ann-Sofie provides contraceptive counselling for students. 

If you want to book an appointment with a school nurse or school doctor, or ask a question about a matter of concern, you can best reach your nurse during the telephone hours. You can also contact us by email Be sure to state your name and class! You can also book an appointment with Wilma. 

Telephone number and hours

Närpes gymnasium, Yrkesakademin Campus Mosedal, Mon, Wed, Fri 08:15-09:00
tel. 06 218 7644

A call request can be left on weekdays from 08:00–12:00. We will call you back within one working days. Student Health Care can also be reached through Wilma. 


Student Health CareNärpes gymnasium/Yrkesakademin Campus Mosedal
Koulukuja 9E
64200 Närpiö

Reception without appointment booking on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 09:00-10:00. At other times, an appointment must be booked. 

Telephone numbers

Kristinestads gymnasium
tel. 040 5450337

Kristiinankaupungin lukio
tel. 040 545 0337

Lappfjärds folkhögskola
tel. 040 737 2116

Appointments to the school doctor are given by the school nurse.


Kristinestads gymnasium, reception on Tuesdays 09:00-15:00
Student Health Care
Ulrika Eleonorantie 3
64100 Kristiinankaupunki

Kristiinankaupungin lukio, reception Mondays 09:00-15:00, Fridays 09:00-13:00
Student Health Care
Asemakatu 4-6
64100 Kristiinankaupunki

Lappfjärds folkhögskola, reception every second Thursday
Lapväärtintie 765
64300 Lapväärtti

Ward Nurse Gun Grangärd, 

Head Nurse Kathy Guss,