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It is important to seek help in handling a crisis if your own resources and the support of loved ones are not enough. On this page, you will find links to both the Wellbeing Services County and third sector services, from which you can receive help easily.

The employees of the services listed on this page have a duty of confidentiality. Some services you can contact also anonymously.

Social welfare and healthcare support in acute crisis situations

Social and Crisis Emergency Service

The Social and Crisis Emergency Service responds to the assistance needs of residents of the wellbeing services county as well as those staying in the region in situations where urgent social authority measures, urgent social services or acute crisis assistance are needed. Open 24/7.

Psychiatric on-call service

A Psychiatric on-call nurse is available 24/7. You don’t need a referral to get help.

You can contact on call nurse by calling 06 213 2009.

Support for children and young people

A teenager watching her phone in bed.

Student care

Youth Centres

Youth centres offer discussion help and counselling for young people aged 13–29. Our services are confidential, voluntary and free of charge for clients. No referral to our service is required.

Mieli Crisis helpline

MIELI Mental Health Finland provides crisis assistance and support in order to prevent mental health problems and suicides.

MIELI Crisis Helpline offers help also in Finnish, Swedish, Ukrainian and Russian.

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare

The children’s and young people’s phone and chat service are intended for everyone under 25 years of age. Calls and chat conversations are answered by voluntary adults. You can contact us every day of the year about any issue. The service is provided in Finnish.

Sekasin chat

Sekasin chat is aimed at people aged 12–29. In Sekasin chat, you can discuss questions or topics that concern you in Finnish.

Save the Children

Check the calendar view for various support chats for young people and further information about chat services in English, Russian and Ukranian.

Information about mental wellbeing and strengthening it, as well as challenges related to mental health issues and various life situations.

Support for adults

A middle-aged man wearing a blue shirt is sitting on the side of a bed. He is sad and looks away.

Psychosocial Centre

The services of the psychosocial centre of the wellbeing services county are free of charge and you can apply for them without a separate referral, by arriving at the unit during its opening hours or by making an appointment or using the electronic contact form.

Occupational healthcare

If you are working and receive occupational healthcare services, you can also apply for occupational healthcare services in crisis situations.


The Finnish Student Health Service offers health services for university and vocational school students completing a basic degree.

Youth Centres

Youth centres offer discussion help and counselling for young people aged 13–29. Our services are confidential, voluntary and free of charge for clients. No referral to our service is required.

Ostrobothnia Crisis Center Valo

The Ostrobothnia Crisis Center Valo offers low-threshold conversation support with a professional counsellor.

Mieli Crisis helpline

MIELI Mental Health Finland provides crisis assistance and support in order to prevent mental health problems and suicides.

MIELI Crisis Helpline offers help also in Finnish, Swedish, Ukrainian and Russian.

Church Chat Service and Helpline

The chat service and helpline are run by trained volunteers and church employees.

Crime Victim Support

The crime victim support service offers the victim of a crime the opportunity to talk with a person who understands what being the target of a crime can mean.

Information about mental wellbeing and strengthening it, as well as challenges related to mental health issues and various life situations.